Support Playlist Converter

I would like Playlist Converter to stay a free website application. This is not possible without your support.

There is many ways to support Playlist Converter:


Donation will pay the servers / machines and hours of work on the project.

Some people donate 1$, some people up to 100 $. Donate what you can afford and what you think is worth the project.


Share it on social network

It has no cost for you but on my side it can really help. Just share this app on social network like facebook, twitter or other and i will get a better seo reputation and more !

Share Playlist Converter to your friends on facebook
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Share Playlist Converter to the world !

Make backlinks / blogroll

Make a link from your site to The clever way is to add a descrition or an article related to Playlist Convreter. This will really help to get new users. You can also add it to your blogroll on or elsewhere.

Write tutorials / articles

Write a tutorial on your site or blog. How to make a playlist from text, from a text tracklist on a youtube video description, etc...

Code api example on github

If you use our api or maybe use code to generate text playlist you submit to our app etc..

You can share it on github. It will help our userbase to understand and use the api.

Send me a testimonial for sharing