Convert from plain text:


Paste or type the tracks you want to convert. Ex:

revolver - madonna
hey joe jimmy hendrix

Click convert !

Choose a spotify playlist:

getting your spotify playlists from your account...
Loading playlist from your account...


Once your connected to spotify:

choose a playlist to convert from your acccount playlists in the list box.

Convert from deezer playlist url:

Loading playlist from deezer...

Connect to your Deezer Account and Grab Your Existing Playlists

Choose one of your deezer playlist to export.

Loading playlist from deezer...


Got to the deezer playlist you want to convert. ex:

copy and paste the url ie:

Click convert !

Sorry youtube service is currently down. I plan to re-enable it in a few days or weeks.

Get notified !

If you want to be notified when it is up again you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter.

Sorry soundcloud service is currently down. When i put the website on ssl i need to update the soundcloud app settings, but its not posssible for a long time. New app submit in soundcloud is off. I shoud wait they make it back...

Get notified !

If you want to be notified when it is up again you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter.

Convert from M3U playlist file format:


Export your playlist to m3u from your desktop player.

Choose the file on this page from your computer.

Conversion shloud be running !

Convert from PLS playlist file format:


Export your playlist to pls from your desktop player.

Choose the file on this page from your computer.

Conversion shloud be running !

Convert from CSV file format:

Map track name field: Map artist name field:


Export your playlist to csv from any application suporting it.

Choose the file on this page from your computer.

Conversion shloud be running !

Check the supported services today and in future releases.

Another input format to suggest ?

I am always inproving this app and adding input playlist format regularly. If you want this app support a new format or input service please tell me. I will do my best to manage it.

Get notified !

Do you want to know when news services are supported ? you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter.

More features and feedback

You can ask for more features on the Forum. I am always improving this application so this can be a good start. Join the community !

Thank you. I will take your suggestion into account.

If you want this app to be improved please consider making a donation.

Do you want to know when news services are supported ? Subscribe to newsletter.

Alternatively you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter

Converting tracks !!!

45% Complete
on tracks

Choose a convert format.

Sorry youtube service is currently down. I plan to re-enable it in a few days or weeks.

Get notified !

If you want to be notified when it is up again you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter.

Sorry soundcloud service is currently down. When i put the website on ssl i need to update the soundcloud app settings, but its not posssible for a long time. New app submit in soundcloud is off. I shoud wait they make it back...

Get notified !

If you want to be notified when it is up again you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter.

The following link has been generated:

Spotify uris list: copy and paste on spotify app.

Export into your account playlists.

Connect to your Deezer Account for exporting

Check the supported services today and in future releases.

Another output format to suggest ?

I am always inproving this app and adding output playlist format regularly. If you want this app support a new format or output service please tell me. I will do my best to manage it.

Get notified !

Do you want to know when news services are supported ? You can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter.

More features and feedback

You can ask for more features on the Forum. I am always improving this application so this can be a good start. Join the community !

Thank you. I will take your suggestion into account.

If you want this app to be improved please consider making a donation.

Do you want to know when news services are supported ? Subscribe to newsletter.

Alternatively you can follow playlist converter on Facebook and Twitter

Track list

{{ song.position }}{{ song.text }}{{ song.converted }}

Select destination

Log to spotify for backround playlist export.

Connect to your Spotify Account for exporting

Export into your account playlists.

Connect to your Deezer Account for exporting